Thomas Hoepker Profile

This is a photo from his book ‘Return
of the Maya’
His exhibitions:
2006, Photographien 1955-2005, Photomuseum, Munich, Germany
1995, Retrospective, Claus Tebbe Gallery, Cologne, Germany
1994, the Maya Kunsthalle Cologne, Cologne, Germany
1985/87, Retrospective, 25 cities in Germany
1976, Rizzoli Gallery, New York and Rizzoli Gallery,
Washington D.C., USA
1965, Kunst und Gewerbe Museum, Hamburg, Germany
2005, Ice-cold Splendor
2003, Easter Island
2000, Robinson Crusoe Island
1998, Death in a Cornfield
1973, the Village Arabati
2005- Thomas Hoepker, Photographien 1955-2005, Schirmer
& Mosel, Germany
1998- Return of the Maya: Guatemala. A Tale of Survival,
Henry Holt, USA
1991- Land of Enchantment, New Mexico, Philip-Morris books,
1989- HA Schult, Fetisch Auto, Germany
1988- Rome, Hofmann & Campe, Germany
1987- New Yorker: 50 unusual portraits, Stemmle,
Schaffhausen, Germany
1986- HA Schult, New York IST Berlin, Germany
1986- Amerika: History of the discovery from Florida to
Canada, Germany
1985- Leben in the DDR, Life in East Germany, Sternbuch,
1985- Ansichten.Fotos von 1960 bis 1985, Braus, Heidelberg,
1984- Der Wahn vom Weltreich: Germany’s former Colonies,
Sternbuch, Germany
1984- Now! Überdosis New York/ HA Schult., Germany
1983- Die New York-Story, GEO Buch, Germany
1983- Thomas Höpker (I Grandi Photographic), Rizzoli, Italy
1978- Vienna, Time/Life books, Holland
1977- Heinz Mack Expedition in künstliche Gärten. Art in
Desert and Ice, Sternbuch, Germany
1976- Berliner Wände, C. Hanser, Germany
1974- Die Iren und ihre Lieder, (Ireland and its songs),
1967- Horst Janssen, artist’s portraits, Galerie Brockstedt,
1963- Yatun papa, father of the Indians and Dr. Theodor
Binder, Kosmos, Germany
1963- Lebendiges Kiel, Presseamt der Stadt Kiel, Germany
1960- Finnland, Terra Magica, Germany
1957- Jugend in dieser Zeit, Steingrüben, Germany
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